Going Up and Going Down !

Well if it isn’t your favourite fashion adviser, its been a tough 2017 for me it terms of blogging with me breaking my laptop and spending my money on clothes instead of buying a replacement but now I have and I can happily say that I’ll be posting as much contet as I can this year, just stay down with me and hopefully I’ll help you make that 60 likes on insta due to weak sauce go up to 100+.

Since this blog is out on the first month of the year I decided that I am going to talk about the brands which I personally feel like will have an impact this year and the brands I think will fall off this year or have already fallen off… I’ll do 2 of each so let’s get started with the brands that will make an impact.

Commes Des Garcon is first up with the brand making a rather big impact in the latter stages of 2017 with their popular collaboration with Converse which has seen almost every wannabe fashionista sport the shoe, for me the it was the Commes Des Garcon PLAY clothing which really stole my heart with its simplitsic t-shirt designs and 10/10 quality.

This is an example of the t-shirts they sell it will normally come with the trademark red heart with eyes design and have another enlarged heart somewhere around the t shirt, this t shirt can go with a variety of things, for example, you could sport this t shirt with some blue ripped jeans from Zara or Topman and all white Air Forces if you want to go for that clean but simple look or if you want to really do the fashion life you could mix it up put a flannel over the t shirt and sport some nice clean Gucci trainers.

Price : £66

438347_comme_play_az_t219-051_1Commes Des Garcon Play T-Shirt with red heart 

My personal favourite from this brand happens to be the black on black version of the t shirt which instead of it having the iconic red heart stitched on the left side features two black hearts one filled and one just outlined in black with the PLAY written in bold on the back of the shirt, black as you should all know is a very easy colour to mix, I would suggest wearing this t shirt with a pair of nice skinny black jeans; ripper, biker the choice is really yours just make sure they sit nicely just below the ankle because the trainer of choice can be the black and white Balenciaga speed trainers, the black and white Alexander McQueen exaggerated sole trainers.

Price: £94

295399_comme_play_az-t193-051Commes Des Garcon Play T-Shirt Black on Black

Next up is the one and only Off white. By now I feel like everyone who knows something about fashion should know what off white is or at least who the creative director and owner is, Virgil Abloh has taken his brand to new heights from the days when he was working on Pyrex, since that he has had a collaboration with Nike which to put it lightly lowkey shook the resell world with his “Ten Icons” trainers. Besides those trainers, his clothes have always been a popular feature with the iconic stripped lines on the back of his work and the use of old-school imagery seemingly catching the eyes of everyone who has the money to afford the clothing because boy the prices he charges are kind of scary if I’m honest.  Off-white is known for making their clothes rather big and baggy almost cape-like even I purchased one I didn’t try it on because that’s just long when I got home and put it on I was thinking omg how I am going to style this so please I advise you if you’re going to buy one please either get the slim version because they do sell slimmer version that cost £20 odd quid more or simply get a size or two down. Let me just give you guys who don’t know about off white a quick warning, the prices will literally make your eyes sore so be ready…

Price: £335

Off-white Diagonal Monalisa Sweatshirt

I like the simple but exaggerated designs that off-white use as well the imagery they use with this sweater being an example they always tend to think outside the box and make sure that their designs really stand out. This jumper is something that you could wear out if you really want to make a statement on the levels of sauce you have, mix it with skinny biker jeans and black and white Alexander McQueen trainers and boy you’ll be looking 10/10.

Now I’ve shown two of my personal favorites to have a big impact for fashion this year I’m now going to show you the two brands that I think will fall off or have fallen off already and what, not a better place to start than with the glorious Giuseppe Zanotti. I ain’t got enough words to explain how awful these trainers are, I only describe them as the trainers that mandem with money but no fashion sense buy because how can you own them and tell me about the sauce. Now let me not throw too much shame on them because maybe 1 or 2 years ago they were to the designers that every boy wanted (well not me but yo) but as the years have passed on the designs of the trainer haven’t really changed their rival brands like Balenciaga have made runners and speed trainers expand their brand Giuseppe tried to expand and it led to them making this shoe…


Now this shoe isn’t that bad besides the fact they’ve actually fully made an attempt to steal Balenciaga’s design but for me it’s the constant use of gold details that throws me off, if this shoe was just black with the white bottom and didn’t have the strap it would be a decent pair but boy some people who read this might actually like the crep, which in that case this is your queue to exit my blog because your taste is very twisted.

Last but not least it has to be Trapstar, whoever knows me outside of this blog knows that over the past 2 to 3 year I was a serial Trapstar buyer I’m certain I’ve owned over 100 items they’ve made. Before they would make really cool items that I could wear with anything but the problem that I personally feel like has hit them is that they keep recycling the same designs but putting different colours on it, now that’ll run with the no fash people but people like me who are dedicated buyers won’t fall into that, it got to the point that Trapstar would host their 10 hour specials (they would release exclusive garments for a 10 hour period and after the 10 hour would supposedly never release them again) and the clothes they release I would have already owned them or would of it the same design but just in a different colour and to be honest that really threw off.


This here is a perfect example of what I mean, this is the Trapstar “Hustlers Spirit” t shirt which showcase the man himself Money Making Mitch, when this t shirt first came out the buzz was unreal with people buying in bulk and reselling because Trapstar claimed it would be a 10 hour release and wouldn’t be released, this was maybe in the summer of 2017, but its 2018 and they since re-released it I don’t know about you but I don’t like stuff like that, I enjoy having exclusive garments.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog and if you own Giuseppe sneakers you have taken a good look at them thinking “yeah I should really dash these ones”. I’ll blog as much and as often as I possibly can so stay tuned Lizzy out.

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