Hood By Air

Hood by Air. Where do I even start with this brand? I was introduced to this brand in 2014 by my older sister and I remember she had a black and white Hood by Air x BEEN TRILL tee which I also have and when I asked her how much it was she said it was £90 I was thinking why on my mums am I spending £90 on that but obviously I didn’t know the inhumane spending problems I would obtain once I started making money but anyways let’s get into this.

Hood By Air or HBA for short is a street brand almost in a similar cloth to Trapstar, it was created by Shayne Oliver in 2007 and is best known for its weird and gothic designs for both its men and woman. The brand got its big break in 2013/14 season when A$AP Rocky took them onboard and started to endorse the label by performing in the brand and even going as far as being a part of one of their runways.

I’ve been a big fan of Hood by Air since its “Classics” t-shirt days, I have always loved the designs they bring out simply because the best ones are normally the basic pieces with just the HBA label on a black t-shirt; simple is much better when it comes to high fashion. I don’t really see people in my age group wearing Hood by Air and I think it is because not a lot of people know about it, but I’m so sure that anyone who has actually gone out and bought something in either Harrods or Selfridges has seen HBA but just hasn’t given it any attention… sometimes one has to think outside the box you know not every follow fashion ok. So lemme show y’all some pieces that are available to buy and I’ll give you my opinion on them.



Firstly we’ll look at this HBA shirt, now what I like about this is the white lines on the shirt, it makes it stand out and look different from any other black shirt that could be out there. This is the type of shirt that you should only be wearing if you are going to a big function like a dinner or an apartment party. I’d suggest keeping the whole black look going all the way to the bottom maybe when some black skinnies or biker jeans with some nice high top trainers of your choice.

Price : £304


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The second item on my list is a piece out of the new S/S16 collection and what I like about this jumper is it’s black and grey camo like effect. This jumper would go lovely with some grey jeans and white trainers or even with some black jeans and some black trainers, but the choice is all yours.

Price : £233








This piece is a personal favourite of mine. I’m a big fan of tees that have printed graphic on them in the middle, means that you can wear jackets without zipping them up and people will know you got this swag game on lock. For this tee, I’m going to stick with the all black look once again because why would you want to change a perfect system. You can wear this tee with a nice bomber whether it’s a slim one or a pilot bomber but don’t zip it up, with that you can wear some black jeans again and some nice black Balenciaga’s or even Valentinos. Your choice and your wallet bro.

Price: £162



Hood by Air are mainly known for their dark oriented designs but every now and then they release lighter colours such as this blue shirt. What’s so unique about this is the design in the middle with the explosion and the numbers, I’ve personally seen and tried on this shirt and I feel like it would be a good investment for anyone who is going out to something simple but classy, like a dinner or a club. You could match this shirt up with some blue ripped skinny jeans and some white trainers of your choice.

Price: £161




Let me hear what you guys think about the blog, and any suggestions about what I should blog next hit me up on twitter @lizzyldn_. Thanks for reading.




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